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As well as new recordings by contemporary poets the Poetry Archive also contains selections of classic poems recorded by contemporary voices.

238 poems

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The Mighty Dead
When Lilacs Last in the Dooryard Bloom’d - Walt Whitman - Read by David Yezzi
The Mighty Dead
I never lost as much as twice - Emily Dickinson - Read by Mary Jo Salter
The Mighty Dead

The Listeners

Read by Maurice Riordan
The Listeners - Walter de la Mare - Read by Maurice Riordan
The Mighty Dead

Fare Well

Read by Maurice Riordan
Fare Well - Walter de la Mare - Read by Maurice Riordan
The Mighty Dead
Where be ye going, you Devon maid? - John Keats - Read by Andrew Motion
The Mighty Dead

Sonnet 116

Read by Gillian Clarke
Sonnet 116 - William Shakespeare - Read by Gillian Clarke
The Mighty Dead

Sonnet 43

Read by Imtiaz Dharker
Sonnet 43 - William Shakespeare - Read by Imtiaz Dharker
The Mighty Dead

Sonnet 11

Read by Jackie Kay
Sonnet 11 - William Shakespeare - Read by Jackie Kay
The Mighty Dead

Sonnet 33

Read by Mimi Khalvati
Sonnet 33 - William Shakespeare - Read by Mimi Khalvati
The Mighty Dead

Sonnet 12

Read by Andrew Motion
Sonnet 12 - William Shakespeare - Read by Andrew Motion
The Mighty Dead

Sonnet 49

Read by Bernard O'Donoghue
Sonnet 49 - William Shakespeare - Read by Bernard O'Donoghue
The Mighty Dead

Sonnet 36

Read by Don Paterson
Sonnet 36 - William Shakespeare - Read by Don Paterson
The Mighty Dead

Sonnet 143

Read by Fiona Sampson
Sonnet 143 - William Shakespeare - Read by Fiona Sampson
The Mighty Dead

Sonnet 73

Read by Jo Shapcott
Sonnet 73 - William Shakespeare - Read by Jo Shapcott
The Mighty Dead

In Memoriam CXV

Read by Andrew Motion
In Memoriam CXV - Alfred Tennyson - Read by Andrew Motion
The Mighty Dead

Sonnet 65

Read by Alan Brownjohn
Sonnet 65 - William Shakespeare - Read by Alan Brownjohn
The Mighty Dead
You are old, Father William - Lewis Carroll - Read by Kei Miller
The Mighty Dead

The Mock Turtle’s Song

Read by Kei Miller
The Mock Turtle’s Song - Lewis Carroll - Read by Kei Miller