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Alison Croggon
B. 1962
Alison Croggon (b. 1962) has been described as “one of the most assured of a new generation of Australian poets.” She is the author of three full-length collections published in…
and did it frighten you that stench in the dark heart of the flower you pinned behind your ear and did your skull eat out through your beauty every…
I want the slew of muscle, a less cerebral meeting place: no word but your male shout, the shirred unpublic face and honest skin crying to me, yes, the…
Songs of a Quiet Woman - Alison Croggon
lurching delicate as a snow queen down this street of greys unfocussed exactly enough to miss the businessmen goggling at my stocking deciding (as I twitch primly into the…
The Elwood Organic Fruit and Vegetable Shop - Alison Croggon
I will go walking in Elwood with my mind as smooth as a marrow winking at the unruffled sky throwing its light down for free letting the gardens exude…