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58 results
The shadow well - Richard Berengarten
The death of children - Richard Berengarten
Clean out the house - Richard Berengarten
The Classics
On First Looking Into Chapman’s Homer
Read by Simon Russell Beale
by John Keats
On First Looking Into Chapman’s Homer - John Keats - Read by Simon Russell Beale
The Classics
How do I Love Thee (Sonnet 43)
Read by Judi Dench
How do I Love Thee (Sonnet 43) - Elizabeth Barrett Browning - Read by Judi Dench
The Classics
If Thou Must Love Me (Sonnet 14)
Read by Rosamund Pike
If Thou Must Love Me (Sonnet 14) - Elizabeth Barrett Browning - Read by Rosamund Pike
The Classics
The First Day
Read by Judi Dench
The First Day - Christina Rossetti - Read by Judi Dench
The Classics
Read by Rosamund Pike
Remember - Christina Rossetti - Read by Rosamund Pike
John Keats
B. 1795 D. 1821
Keats was born in London in 1795. His father was killed in a riding accident when Keats was eight; his mother died six years later, probably from tuberculosis. The loss of his parents, especially of his mother, was to help…
Emily Dickinson
B. 1830 D. 1886
Only seven of Emily Dickinson’s poems were published in her lifetime; these were heavily edited. Many of the rest were found after her death, in little packets bound together to make small books. They were regarded at first as odd,…
Ogden Nash
B. 1902 D. 1971
Ogden Nash ( 1902-1971) was a master, perhaps the 20th Century master, of light verse whose continuing popularity shows that the term ‘light’ is not incompatible with long-lasting. He was born in Rye, New York, but as a child moved…
Thom Gunn
B. 1929 D. 2004
Thom Gunn (1929-2004) was a poet whose work thrives on contrast and contradiction: English tradition and American idiom; strict form and free verse; intellectual discipline and physical hedonism are all held in balance in his risk-taking poetry. Gunn was born…
PJ Kavanagh
B. 1931 D. 2015
P J Kavanagh (1931 – 2015) was the author of eight books of poems, an essayist and travel-writer, a novelist, and editor of the poems of Ivor Gurney; he received the Cholmondely Award for Poetry, the Guardian Fiction Prize, and…
Where Does the Bounce Come From? - Michael Rosen
Lights Out
Read by Helen Thomas
Lights Out - Edward Thomas - Read by Helen Thomas
The Classics
Where be ye going, you Devon maid?
Read by Andrew Motion
by John Keats