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As well as new recordings by contemporary poets the Poetry Archive also contains selections of classic poems recorded by contemporary voices.

238 poems

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The Mighty Dead

Epitaph on a Hare

Read by Andrew Motion
Epitaph on a Hare - William Cowper - Read by Andrew Motion
The Mighty Dead

Slavery, A Poem

Read by Patience Agbabi
Slavery, A Poem - Hannah More - Read by Patience Agbabi
The Mighty Dead
Song: ae fond kiss, and then we sever - Robert Burns - Read by Don Paterson
The Mighty Dead

After Blenheim

Read by Daljit Nagra
After Blenheim - Robert Southey - Read by Daljit Nagra
The Mighty Dead

Female Fashions For 1799

Read by Jo Shapcott
Female Fashions For 1799 - Mary Robinson - Read by Jo Shapcott
The Mighty Dead

Lord Randall

Read by Don Paterson
Lord Randall - Anonymous - Read by Don Paterson
The Mighty Dead

The Destruction of Sennacherib

Read by Daljit Nagra
The Destruction of Sennacherib - Lord Byron - Read by Daljit Nagra
The Mighty Dead

Song From Arcadia

Read by Jacob Sam-La Rose
Song From Arcadia - Philip Sidney - Read by Jacob Sam-La Rose
The Mighty Dead
In summer’s heat and midtime of the day - Christopher Marlowe - Read by Simon Armitage
The Mighty Dead

Tichborne’s Elegy

Read by Jean Sprackland
Tichborne’s Elegy - Chidiock Tichborne - Read by Jean Sprackland
The Mighty Dead


Read by Alice Oswald
Walsingham - Walter Raleigh - Read by Alice Oswald
The Mighty Dead


Read by Jean Sprackland
O - Mary Sidney Herbert - Read by Jean Sprackland
The Mighty Dead

The Burning Babe

Read by Jacob Sam-La Rose
The Burning Babe - Robert Southwell - Read by Jacob Sam-La Rose
The Mighty Dead
Amoretti LV: so oft as I her beauty do behold - Edmund Spenser - Read by Daljit Nagra
The Mighty Dead
When that I was and a little tiny boy - William Shakespeare - Read by Glyn Maxwell
The Mighty Dead

Song To Celia

Read by Jean Sprackland
Song To Celia - Ben Jonson - Read by Jean Sprackland
The Mighty Dead

The Mistress

Read by Alan Brownjohn
The Mistress - John Wilmot Earl of Rochester - Read by Alan Brownjohn
The Mighty Dead
A Song of a Young Lady to her Ancient Lover - John Wilmot Earl of Rochester - Read by Alan Brownjohn