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‘Jaguar Girl’ for BBC 100 - Pascale Petit
The Applicant - Sylvia Plath
‘Idanre’ for BBC 100 - Wole Soyinka
In Parenthesis - David Jones
Windrush Child - John Agard
ABC in Sound - Bob Cobbing
While summer suns o’er the gay prospect play’d  - Thomas Warton - Read by Will Burns

An Autumn Homily

Read by Pascale Petit
An Autumn Homily - Alfred Austin - Read by Pascale Petit

Thomas Warton

B. 1728 D. 1790

1 poem available

Born in Hampshire, Warton was appointed Poet Laureate in 1785, Warton was also a literary historian and critic and is listed as having produced the first History of English Poetry. He was a highly regarded scholar. Warton died before he…


Alfred Austin

B. 1835 D. 1913

1 poem available

Appointed Poet Laureate in 1896, Austin was born in Headingley and was educated at Stonyhurst College, St Mary’s College and at the University of London. His upbringing was Roman Catholic but moved towards agnosticism over time.  He trained as a…

Mossbawn Sunlight for BBC 100 - Seamus Heaney
‘Rubaiyat’ for BBC 100 - Mimi Khalvati
Special Collection

When the nights are lengthening and Halloween is on the horizon, delve deep into the Archive to and explore all things strange, slant, odd and unexpected. Perhaps listen alone, with headphones on, in the dark, and feel these voices in your bones…

Gloriana Dying - Sylvia Townsend Warner

Edwin Muir

B. 1887 D. 1959

1 poem available

Edwin Muir was one of the chief Scottish poets of his day writing in English, as well as being known as a literary critic and translator. Born the son of a crofter, Muir was educated in Kirkwall. Following his marriage…

Great Sporting Moments - Simon Armitage

Bob Cobbing

B. 1920 D. 2002

1 poem available

Poet and publisher Bob Cobbing was born in Enfield, England. He became known internationally for pioneering visual, concrete, and sound poetry and for his dynamic and often startling poetry performances; he was known too for his role as publisher, under…
