The Loch Ness Monster’s Song
by Edwin Morgan
The Loch Ness Monster’s Song - Edwin Morgan
The Loch Ness Monster’s Song
Hnwhuffl hhnnwfl hnfl hfl?
Gdroblboblhobngbl gbl gl g g g g glbgl.
Drublhaflablhaflubhafgabhaflhafl fl fl –
gm grawwwww grf grawf awfgm graw gm.
Splgraw fok fok splgrafhatchgabrlgabrl fok splfok!
Zgra kra gka fok!
Grof grawff gahf?
Gombl mbl bl –
blm plm,
blm plm,
blm plm,
from Collected Poems (Carcanet, 1990), copyright © Edwin Morgan 1990, used by permission of the author and the publisher