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Special Collection

These fine poems, written at different times and from a variety of perspectives, all look hard at the landscapes they enshrine. In doing so, they achieve (at least) two things at the same time. They honour the facts they preserve;…

Special Collection

Sykes Cottages offer the finest handpicked cottage holidays across the UK and Ireland. They have teamed up with us to create this collection of some of the finest classic poets from across UK and Ireland. The poets in this collection…


4 poems available

Catherine Byron is an Irish poet who often collaborates with visual and sound artists. Her first book of poetry, Settlements, appeared in 1985, and she has since published five collections, the most recent being The Getting of Vellum (which was…


Thomas Hardy

B. 1840 D. 1928

5 poems available

Thomas Hardy was born in 1840, the son of a stonemason. He trained and practised as an architect, but, as soon as he could, earned his living by writing the novels which made him famous. Then, after Jude the Obscure…


Geoff Page

B. 1940

6 poems available

Geoff Page is a poet, reviewer and advocate for Australian poetry. Born in Grafton on the north coast of New South Wales, into a conservative and politically active family of graziers on the Clarence River, he was educated at the…


13 poems available

Michael Longley (b.1939, Belfast) is a central figure in contemporary Irish poetry. A forceful figure within the Arts Council of Northern Ireland, where he founded the literary programme, he is one of the 200 distinguished artists who are members of…


10 poems available

Andrew Motion read English at Oxford University where he won the Newdigate Prize and studied the work of Edward Thomas, an abiding influence. At Hull University he taught English and worked alongside Philip Larkin, another acknowledged mentor, whose official biographer…


Brendan Kennelly

B. 1936 D. 2021

5 poems available

Brendan Kennelly (b. 1936 – d.2021) was the prolific author of over twenty books of poetry as well as plays, novels and criticism. Born in Ballylongford in Co. Kerry, Kennelly was Professor of Modern Literature at Trinity College, Dublin for…

Ravendean Burn - Valerie Gillies
The Classics
Lines Composed a Few Miles above Tintern Abbey, On Revisiting the Banks of the Wye during a Tour. July 13, 1798 - William Wordsworth - Read by Andrew Motion
Near Linton Burnfoot - Ron Butlin
The Invisible Gift - David Morley
The Leveret - Michael Longley
The Classics

The Way Through The Woods

Read by Simon Armitage
The Way Through The Woods - Rudyard Kipling - Read by Simon Armitage
The Snow Village - Glyn Maxwell
The Classics

Home Thoughts, from Abroad

Read by Anthony Thwaite
Home Thoughts, from Abroad - Robert Browning - Read by Anthony Thwaite
Willum Accounts for the Price of Lamprey - F. W. Harvey