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Harold Pinter

B. 1930 D. 2008

Harold Pinter (1930 – 2008) is best known for theatrical work, but was a poet before a playwright, and in early 2005, told the BBC that he was leaving plays to focus on poetry and political speeches. His poetry publications…


Louis MacNeice

B. 1907 D. 1963

2 poems available

Louis MacNeice (1907-1963) was a friend and contemporary of W. H. Auden and Stephen Spender at Oxford and his poetry has often been linked to their own. Whilst sharing certain characteristics with them, including a sharp political awareness, in recent…


18 poems available

Michael Rosen (b. 1946) says he became a children’s poet by accident – “I thought I was being an ironic adult poet but children’s literature ‘claimed’ me”. He has since become a very well-known poet, for adults as well as…


U A Fanthorpe

B. 1929 D. 2009

3 poems available

U. A. Fanthorpe (1929 – 2009) spent her earliest years in Kent. She attended St Anne’s College Oxford afterwards becoming a teacher and ultimately Head of English at Cheltenham Ladies’ College. However, she only began writing when she turned her…


Elizabeth Bartlett

B. 1924 D. 2008

4 poems available

Elizabeth Bartlett (1924 – 2008) grew up in Deal, Kent. Her childhood was one of hardship and although she gained a grammar school scholarship she left education at fifteen. At nineteen she married and had one son. She worked for…


Dannie Abse

B. 1923 D. 2014

5 poems available

Dannie Abse (1923-2014) was a poet, playwright and novelist whose literary career spanned half a century, the first of his fourteen collections of poetry, After Every Green Thing, being published in 1948, his latest collected appearing in 2003. In between Abse…

XVIII. Before (from Lutèce, te amo) - Ahren Warner
Shakespeare Sonnet
A Friendship - Connie Bensley
Leonardo’s Skull - Jane Weir
The Strait-jackets - Pascale Petit
The Classics

Upon a Fit of Sickness

Read by Denise Riley
Upon a Fit of Sickness - Anne Bradstreet - Read by Denise Riley
The Recording Artist - Todd Swift
The Classics

Felix Randal

Read by Mimi Khalvati
Felix Randal - Gerard Manley Hopkins - Read by Mimi Khalvati
The Classics


Read by Lavinia Greenlaw
Affliction - George Herbert - Read by Lavinia Greenlaw
The Language of Bleak Averages - Anthony Lawrence