Unity - Selina Tusitala Marsh
Maluna a’e o n’ l’hui apau ke ola ke kanaka
“Above all nations is humanity”
(Hawaiian proverb)
Let’s talk about unity
Here in London’s Westminster Abbey
did you know there’s a London in Kiribati?
Ocean Island: South Pacific Sea.
We’re connected by currents of humanity
alliances, allegiances, histories
for the salt in the sea, like the salt in our blood
like the dust of our bones, our final return to mud
means while 53 flags fly for our countries
they’re stitched from the fabric of our unity
it’s called the Va in Samoan philosophy
what you do, affects me
what we do, affects the sea
land, wildlife – take the honeybee
nature’s model of unity
pollinating from flower to seed
bees thrive in hives keeping their queen
unity keeps them alive, keeps them buzzing
they’re key to our fruit and vege supplies
but parasitic attacks and pesticides
threaten the bee, then you and me
it’s all connected ? that?s unity.
There’s a ‘U’ and an ‘I’ in unity
costs the earth and yet it?s free.
My grandad’s from Tuvalu and to be specific
it’s plop bang in the middle of the South Pacific
the smallest of our 53 commonwealth nations
the largest in terms of reading vast constellations
my ancestors were guided by sky and sea trails
way before Columbus even hoisted his sails!
What we leave behind, matters to those who go before
we face the future with our backs, sailing shore to shore
we’re earning and saving for our common wealth
a common strong body, a common good health
for the salt in the sea, like the salt in our blood
like the dust of our bones, our return to mud
means saving the ocean, saving the bee
means London’s UK seeing London in the South Seas
and sharing our thoughts over a cup of tea
for there’s a ‘U’ and an ‘I’ in unity
costs the earth and yet it’s free.
read at The Commonwealth Service, Westminster Abbey, March 2016, © Selina Tusitala Marsh 2016, used by permission of the author