Yon Night
by Tom Leonard
Yon Night - Tom Leonard
Yon Night
yonwuz sum night
thi Leeds gemmit Hamdin
a hunnirn thurty four thousan
aw singin
yilnivir wok alone
wee burdnma wurk then
nutsnur a wuz
but she wuzny intristid
yi no thi wey
well there wuzza stonnin
ana wuz thaht happy
ana wuz thaht fed up
hoffa mi wuz greetnaboot Celtic
anhoffa mi wuz greetnaboot hur
big wain thata wuz
a kin laffitit noo
from outside the narrative: Poems 1965-2009 (Etruscan Books/Wordpower Press, 2011), Tom Leonard 2011, used by permission of the author.