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Poetry Archive Now
Roger Robinson
B. 1967
Roger Robinson is a fervent, generous poet. His most recent collection, A Portable Paradise, won both the 2019 T. S. Eliot Prize and the Royal Society of Literature’s Ondaatje Prize 2020 for a distinguished work evoking the spirit of a place – in this instance, post-Windrush Britain.
Did you know there is more than one Simon Armitage? In this interview, the best-selling poet and novelist introduces you to them and talks about the importance of voice in his work.
Jean Sprackland talks about her inspiration and process for writing poetry.
Welsh was the Mother Tongue - Gwyneth Lewis
Southern Rail (The Four Students) - Alan Jenkins
The Classics
Aurora Leigh (Extract: ‘The Sweetness of England’)
Read by Lavinia Greenlaw
Aurora Leigh (Extract: ‘The Sweetness of England’) - Elizabeth Barrett Browning - Read by Lavinia Greenlaw
The Classics
Don Juan (extract)
Read by Fleur Adcock
by Lord Byron
Don Juan (extract) - Lord Byron - Read by Fleur Adcock
Colonial Girls’ School - Olive Senior
Checking Out Me History - John Agard
In this revealing interview Owen Sheers, one of the UK's most successful younger writers, talks about the influence of his Welsh heritage on his writing, from the landscape to the lives of the small-town boys he grew up with.