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Explore poetry using our special collections. Curated around specific themes and forms, these collections bring you the wealth of poetry available in the Archive.

59 collections

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Celebrate International Women’s Day this year with a selection of wonderful poems, selected by Maggie Sullivan.


We were very sad to hear of the passing of the great Benjamin Zephaniah recently and want to celebrate his life and wonderful poems. We are very proud to have his recordings on the Archive and to be able to preserve…


Sit back and listen to our Listener’s Top Picks from 2023 and enjoy the poetry that resonated with you all this year. Most of our Listener’s favourite poems came from The BBC 100 Collection, to learn more about the collection,…


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The Wordview 2023 collection showcases our winning 2023 poets and their work that captures this extraordinary year for future reflection.

Special Collection

During 2023 PN Review is celebrating its jubilee. Since we started as Poetry Nation, a twice yearly hardback, in 1973, we’ve been publishing new poetry, rediscoveries, commentary, literary essays, interviews and reviews from around the globe. Our vast archive now includes over 270…


The Wordview 2022 collection showcases our winning 2022 poets and their work that captures this extraordinary year for future reflection.

Guided Tour

Celebrating 100 years of poetry on the BBC with Poet Laureate Simon Armitage

Special Collection