A message from our Wordview 2021 Judges
Our Poetry Archive Now! Wordview 2021 Panel of Judges, Imtiaz Dharker, Robert Seatter and Lavinia Singer worked long and hard to arrive at this year’s winning entries. Each were blown away by the talent of the work submitted and had the following messages to share with all our entrants:
Imtiaz Dharker
An idea that began as a response to the world shutting down has, joyfully, become a way to invite the whole world in. It has been exciting to see the entries come in from different countries, from marginalised voices, from people of all backgrounds who now know this space belongs to them. My fellow judges and I were struck by the immediacy of experience and commitment to language in the winning entries. It’s also good to think that the rest of the entries will continue to be seen as an invaluable record of our times.
Robert Seatter
What a privilege to see and read these voices from all around the world and connect with their thoughts on a strange and turbulent year. But most importantly to share those experiences translated into such rich and vital poems. Thank you all!
Lavinia Singer
‘Only connect!’ – E. M. Forster’s injunction has felt all the more important over the past eighteen months. The entries for WordView 2021 show just how meaningful online connection can be. It was an enormous pleasure to hear the poets – these twenty excellent winners, and all those participating in the project – and to know that they will continue to connect with others through Poetry Archive for months and years to come.