Men Who Murder
Men Who Murder - Flora de Falbe
Men Who Murder
After Mark Grist’s ‘Girls who Read’
Some girls want a man with blue starry eyes
or a man with a sense of humour.
I want a man who murders.
I’ll know him by the thin red curve under his nails
and the twist of scar across his left hand
which says ‘I fight to win.’
I want a man who cuts throats like butter
and kisses under his own code of honour.
I want him to take me by the hand, heart and windpipe.
I want to fear nothing but him,
to live on the verge of combustion.
I want him to grip me like a dagger.
I’m going to paint my lips red
and mark him mine when the sun hits the gutter.
I’m going to dress in red to hide the splatters.
I want to stroke my man’s hair
when it’s all over, I want to cry to my man
from the bottom of a river.
I don’t want someone who thinks he deserves me,
I want a man who murders.
What else do I read books for?
first published in Magma, March 2016, © Flora de Falbe 2016, used by permission of the author.