by Will Burns
Transmission - Will Burns
Remembering there is
provenance to the curved
ditch that runs below the trees
at the foot of the hill.
Something about when
and why it was made –
a name, however dimly offered.
He can see it from here,
from his back window.
He understands this place
like a painter would. Thinks what
are the broad bands of hundreds
of shades of green? Of information?
What are these pylons or the high speed through
the tamed and thewy earth?
He watches it rain after dinner.
Tired, he sits and picks bits
from between his teeth.
And he watches it rain
all the next day too, sitting
in his cousin’s motor spares shop,
or standing on the forecourt,
cleaning his blackened nails
right back to the quick.
from 'Country Music' (Offord Road Books, 2020), © Will Burns 2020, used by permission of the author.