Poetry Archive Now Wordview 2020: Close Ups in Lockdown
by Kathy Pimlott
I've been taking amateur photographs during my daily exercise walks round the very central London streets where I live. I began with images of the strangely empty streets but, as time has gone on, have become more and more focused on details - letter boxes have become an obsession. I've shared the photos on social media where they seem to have offered some odd reassurance to people - maybe to do with continuity or enduring craft.
Poetry Archive Now Wordview 2020: Close Ups in Lockdown
London 2020
Confined to the same streets, I glean details,
snap the gilded bas reliefs of parish arms
on lamp-posts, benches on the Embankment
changing from duck to sphinx to camel going east.
Looking up I’ve caught cupolas, Justice, Art,
Geometry, both draped and nude, old wars’
bronze memorials and, in front of palaces,
arcs of wallflowers edging tulips going over.
The finely-crafted wrought iron gates
and grilles of our secret powerful and rich
have been revelatory, their curlicues
and spikes a refinement of exclusion.
I’ve captured Clement Danes’ electric bells
bouncing childhood rhymes around the Aldwych
but spared you abandoned restaurants,
their dried-up skimmia in forsaken troughs.
I’ve skipped all the shop windows blinded
with chipboard, promises to be back soon,
to focus on once-neglected things, distract
a fretting heart which doesn’t know what’s next.
Look, here’s a letterbox, deco, and another,
arts & crafts. Draw comfort from these apertures,
so elegantly dressed for bills, news, billets doux,
when all you love are elsewhere, out of reach.
Recording provided as part of Poetry Archive Now: Wordview 2020. Used by permission of the author.
A special thank you to our WordView 2020 poets.
Chair of the Judging Panel, Imtiaz Dharker, says: “The hundreds of entries we received blew in to the Archive like a breath of pure, unpolluted air from all over the world, revealing something of the time we are living in, some telling it straight, some slant. It was exciting to check in to the Poetry Archive’s Youtube channel every morning and come upon one unexpected voice after another."
See the collectionWatch the full Wordview 2020 playlist