Poetry Archive Now Wordview 2020: Computer Generated Images
by Carmina Masoliver
This poem is about being digitally native, growing up as a teenager at the birth of the internet and the impact of this on communication, relationships and sexuality.
Poetry Archive Now Wordview 2020: Computer Generated Images
we grew up on html
love was a cartoon heart
pink or red
we dissected some cold slab of meat in science labs
and with that, every Disney film turned dirty
we would publicise our most private thoughts
kidding ourselves it was poetry
when it was catharsis at best
love was chat rooms and msn
love was xxx
love was taken back to the times of courtly love
letters on screens and stomachs
would flip, not with the touch or grip of your crush
but a bedroom blush at the flash from offline to online
love was romance
love was distance
love was a flicker in the periphery
but it always ended in a request for a naked photograph
<b> asl? </b>
<a href=”https://canilinkyou.com”>
we grew up on html
we edited our lives to make them look better
with sepia and high contrast
with hearts and smilies
we proclaimed our friends as the best in the world
placed them on pedestals
but cried to ourselves when we weren’t number one
on their top friend’s list on MySpace
we grew up on html
but we never truly understood the language
we communicated
a love that was not love at all
Recording provided as part of Poetry Archive Now: Wordview 2020. Used by permission of the author. The poem was recorded by Muddy Feet Poetry @muddyfeetpoetry.
A special thank you to our WordView 2020 poets.
Chair of the Judging Panel, Imtiaz Dharker, says: “The hundreds of entries we received blew in to the Archive like a breath of pure, unpolluted air from all over the world, revealing something of the time we are living in, some telling it straight, some slant. It was exciting to check in to the Poetry Archive’s Youtube channel every morning and come upon one unexpected voice after another."
See the collectionWatch the full Wordview 2020 playlist