Poetry Archive Now Wordview 2021: The One Day Plan

They say you can stand anything for a minute.

That’s how professionals do it.

The trick is to only believe in the minute.

Hood your eyes. Chin down. Focus

on where your feet are, where your heart is

this minute. The AA thing.

One day. One day. One day. One day.


Every day lately we wake up

and one of us suggests not drinking

tonight and the other agrees.

I don’t know if you’d call us professionals.

I’m reminded of the puzzle

where one of the guards always lies

and the other always tells the truth,

so you choose the door they don’t say.


The thing though with the one day plan

is sometimes you can’t stop yourself

believing in all the days afterwards

stretching like a corridor of doors.

Sometimes it’s the opposite trouble –

if today were all there was,

who’d want to waste their last evening sober?

Poem recorded as part of Poetry Archive Now: Wordview 2021. Used by permission of author.

Poetry Archive Now Wordview 2021 Winners

Poetry Archive Now! was established in 2020 to enable us to gather recordings from a much wider pool of talented poets from the UK and ...

See the collection

Ramona Herdman

Ramona Herdman’s latest pamphlet, ‘A warm and snouting thing’ is published by The Emma Press. Her previous pamphlet, ‘Bottle’ (HappenStance Press), was a PBS Pamphlet Choice. Ramona lives in Norwich and is a committee member for Café Writers. The One Day Plan was first published in the Rialto.

A special thank you to our WordView 2021 poets.

Chair of the Judging Panel, Imtiaz Dharker, says: "An idea that began as a response to the world shutting down has, joyfully, become a way to invite the whole world in. It has been exciting to see the entries come in from different countries, from marginalised voices, from people of all backgrounds who now know this space belongs to them. My fellow judges and I were struck by the immediacy of experience and commitment to language in the winning entries. It's also good to think that the rest of the entries will continue to be seen as an invaluable record of our times."

See the collectionWatch the full Wordview 2021 playlist