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The Norton Anthology of Poetry has been in existence for almost fifty years, and during that time the way its audience experiences poetry has changed dramatically. Readers now expect to use their ears as much as their eyes when they encounter…


Alexander Pope

B. 1688 D. 1744

3 poems available

Pope was born into a Catholic family in 1688, the year of The Glorious Revolution, when Catholics could not live in London – the centre of literary life – or attend university. At the age of twelve he contracted a…


1 poem available

William Carlos Williams (1883-1963) famously combined the two careers of doctor and writer, along the way founding a specifically American version of Modernism. He was born in Rutherford, New Jersey, the son of a New York businessman of British extraction…


W. H. Auden

B. 1907 D. 1973

3 poems available

Wystan Hugh Auden (1907-1973) is one of the most influential voices in 20th Century poetry. It is impossible to summarise his achievements, ranging as they do across some four hundred poems in a bewildering variety of styles, as well as…


T. S. Eliot

B. 1888 D. 1965

7 poems available

T. S. Eliot (1888-1965) as a poet and critic came to define the modernist movement and still dominates the literary landscape of the last century. He was born in St. Louis, Missouri to a prominent local family. He attended Harvard…


Ted Hughes

B. 1930 D. 1998

4 poems available

Ted Hughes (1930-1998) is a brooding presence in the landscape of 20th Century poetry, not unlike the six hundred feet-high Scout Rock which overshadowed his Yorkshire childhood. Hughes’ early experience of the moors and his industrially-scarred surroundings were the keynotes…


Seamus Heaney

B. 1939 D. 2013

5 poems available

Seamus Heaney (1939 – 2013) was the eldest child of nine born to a farming family in County Derry, Northern Ireland. He won a scholarship to St Columb’s College, Derry, beginning an academic career that would lead, through Queen’s University…


19 poems available

Kathleen Jamie spent much of her early poetic career answering the question posed by the disapproving elders in her famous poem ‘The Queen of Sheba’: “whae do you think y’ur?” Across a rich and varied body of writing, Jamie has…


10 poems available

In May 2019, Simon Armitage (b. 1963) was named as the UK’s Poet Laureate, an appointment greeted with delight by many in the poetry world and beyond. Armitage burst onto the poetry scene with Zoom! in 1989 and quickly established himself as the…


Wild nights – Wild nights!

Read by Mary Jo Salter
Wild nights – Wild nights! - Emily Dickinson - Read by Mary Jo Salter


Read by David Yezzi
Sympathy - Paul Laurence Dunbar - Read by David Yezzi
The Classics
The Nymph’s Reply to the Shepherd - Walter Raleigh - Read by Andrew Motion
The Classics
The Passionate Shepherd to His Love - Christopher Marlowe - Read by Andrew Motion
The Classics
A Valediction: Forbidding Mourning - John Donne - Read by Andrew Motion

The Author to Her Book

Read by Mary Jo Salter
The Author to Her Book - Anne Bradstreet - Read by Mary Jo Salter
The Classics
Lines Composed a Few Miles above Tintern Abbey, On Revisiting the Banks of the Wye during a Tour. July 13, 1798 - William Wordsworth - Read by Andrew Motion
The Classics

We Wear the Mask

Read by David Yezzi
We Wear the Mask - Paul Laurence Dunbar - Read by David Yezzi
The Classics

The Raven

Read by David Yezzi
The Raven - Edgar Allan Poe - Read by David Yezzi