Brain Drain

85% of grey matter is water 


Two glasses of water are playing chess. 

Two raindrops are making love: 

watch them coalesce 

where push comes to shove. 


Your eyes water over the diced shallots 

– which are mostly water. Words 

flow down the page. Wet’s 

the ultimate adjective. Birds 


take their aqueous bodies overhead. 

The slug underfoot is fluid as pus. 

Oceans are haunted by the drowned dead. 

We are water: water is us. 


Adam’s ale is on tap in the first garden. 

The world is a soft drink, or else steam. 

Clouds are doubt caused by the sun’s 

certainty. Time is a stream 


issuing forever from the holy well 

in the eternal hillside. Jesus is sleeping 

in a flotation tank, unable to sink, while 

Mary is weeping. 

from Qwerty (Seren 1995), © Paul Groves 1995, used by permission of the author
