by Felix Dennis
Downsizing - Felix Dennis
The firm’s alive with murmurs
The thrum of gossip’s din,
The sneers of old long-termers –
Whoever’s out – they’re in.
No parachutes or rip-cords,
No lifebuoys as she dives,
Fat bastards with their clipboards
Are sharpening their knives.
Receptionists are tearful,
The Boss averts his eye,
‘H.R.’ is grimly cheerful –
But then – they’re paid to lie.
It’s meeting, every minute,
It’s tackle, grapple, block!
It’s ‘keep yer ‘ead down’, innit?
It’s in by eight o’clock!
It’s straining blood and sinew
To keep abreast of moves:
“The hangings will continue
– Until morale improves!”
from Lone Wolf Book and CD (Hutchinson, 2004), © Felix Dennis 2004, used by permission of the author.