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The Mighty Dead


Read by Alice Oswald
Inversnaid - Gerard Manley Hopkins - Read by Alice Oswald
The Mighty Dead


Read by Patience Agbabi
Philosophy - Amy Levy - Read by Patience Agbabi
The Mighty Dead


Read by Patience Agbabi
Epitaph - Katherine Philips - Read by Patience Agbabi
The Mighty Dead
An exequy to his matchless never to be forgotten friend - Henry King - Read by Simon Armitage
The Mighty Dead
Epistle to Miss Blount, on her leaving the town, after the Coronation - Alexander Pope - Read by Andrew Motion
The Mighty Dead
A satirical elegy on the death of a late famous general - Jonathan Swift - Read by Jean Sprackland
The Mighty Dead

The Visit

Read by Jo Shapcott
The Visit - Mary Leapor - Read by Jo Shapcott
The Mighty Dead

Slavery, A Poem

Read by Patience Agbabi
Slavery, A Poem - Hannah More - Read by Patience Agbabi
The Mighty Dead

The Burning Babe

Read by Jacob Sam-La Rose
The Burning Babe - Robert Southwell - Read by Jacob Sam-La Rose
The Mighty Dead
A Song of a Young Lady to her Ancient Lover - John Wilmot Earl of Rochester - Read by Alan Brownjohn
The Mighty Dead
A Shropshire Lad II: Loveliest of trees, the cherry now - A E Housman - Read by Alan Brownjohn
Apapa Docks - Bernardine Evaristo
Epilogue – Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, 1995 - Bernardine Evaristo
The Mighty Dead

To the Poor

Read by Denise Riley
To the Poor - Anna Laetitia Barbauld - Read by Denise Riley
The Mighty Dead


Read by Jo Shapcott
Bermudas - Andrew Marvell - Read by Jo Shapcott
The Mighty Dead

The Resolve

Read by Denise Riley
The Resolve - Lady Mary Wortley Montagu - Read by Denise Riley